Sunday, December 1, 2013

30 Day Challenge

So, I turn 30 on the 30th of December. I thought that was reason enough to bring my little blog back to life and accept a 30 day challenge. For the next 30 days, I will post once a day. It can be a long and substantial post or as little as saying, "I don't have time to blog" post. Most important thing is that I write something, anything, for 30 days straight. Any of you bloggers want to join me? (Samantha?!)

My friends and I concur that we are going through a quarter life crisis. Those of us who are about to embark on the thirties are thinking, really?! We have great jobs, great places to live and some of us are feeling guilty that we aren't quite ready to have great babies, even though everyone around us is ready for it to happen. Since when did turning 30 mean that you had to become a grown up? We'll, that's another post for another day this month...

Today, I started decorating the apartment for Christmas. A little early for me, but I'll be down in NC next weekend, so I needed to get started. A tip for any of you New Yorkers who are looking for a tree but don't want to pay $$$, go to NJ. Like everything else, trees are so much cheaper.

Here's a quick look around the apt. More to come (and lots more posts to come). Get ready y'all. You may be sick of me after the 30th. #30onthe30

sidenote: Excuse the low quality photos and typos as some of these 30 day posts will come from ipad, iphone, etc. 

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